I've been watching
High Fidelity this afternoon, which always puts me in the mood to make Top 5 lists. Since I just posted an entry about this ridiculously long book that I just finished, why don't we do this: What are your Top 5 books of all time. Don't think too much about categories. Just answer the question at its most basic level. What are the five books that you have enjoyed the most? Understanding that mine is a list that is in a constant state of change, here are the five books that I would list today:
1) The Catcher In The Rye (J.D. Salinger)
2) Blue Like Jazz (Donald Miller)
3) A Man In Full (Tom Wolfe)
4) Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs (Chuck Klosterman)
5) Velvet Elvis (Rob Bell)
Of course, I could go on for days about books that I have enjoyed and would recommend that are not on this list (as previous entries of this blog would prove), but in the spirit of the post, we'll keep at five.
So, let's hear it. What are your top 5 favorite books?